Review: The Unyielding

The Unyielding The Unyielding by Shelly Laurenston
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Okay, whatever the hell Shelly is on, I need a hit of that. That woman is seriously insane and it comes out in her awesome books. You cannot read a Shelly Laurenston book and get bored. One does not read the first chapter of her books and then skim the rest of the books. YOU HAVE TO READ THEM. Her books are just laugh out loud funny and crazy. Shelly engages you with all of the characters. Yes sometimes you get lost and go "What the fuck?" but then you keep reading and go "Oh okay" Every crazy thing she writes is connected. Half the time you even forget it's a romance book you are reading, because you are more invested in the action, adventure, gore and bloody good time everyone is having to to be really invested in the couple. So this book picked up where Jace and Ski left off. This one now involved Steig and Erin, which shocked the hell out of me because I seriously thought they hated each other, or rather, I thought he hated her, but this is a Shelly book, that's what makes the romance more believable. The woman puts together the oddest of couples and it works. So we all remembered Erin, she started out as being a bitch to Kera in book one, annoyed everyone to no end but then kind of grew on you as the series went along? Yea that bitch. It's her turn to save the world, and boy did she do it in a big way. I haven't met a person who could piss off an entire series of characters like this girl. Erin with the gift of fire, the most annoying bitch of the west, has to save the world. She is their only hope. Which made this story 10 times more funny. We follow her and Steig on their quest to get shit down, and boy was it a whirlwind of hilarity and gore. I love all of Shelly's fighting sequences in her books. They are gory and gross, but she still has a way of keeping it fun and enjoyable to read. This book has everything you could ask for and more. I can't wait to get more out of this series.

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