Review: Royally Matched

Royally Matched Royally Matched by Emma Chase
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sigh, could this story GET anymore romantic. EEP, it wasn't as epic as book one, but man did it hold its own. So this is Henry's book. The princely, wild manwhore. It picks up three months after Nicky and Olivia's story. He has to be King now and Henry has pretty much hit rock bottom. Until he has this weird idea to hold a reality show to find his Queen. Think The Bachelor, but more royal. First thing, those names. I was laughing like a loon reading those names. "Lady Alpacca and her messed up translator" were my favorite. Okay so enter Sarah, we met her before in the first book. She's Penny's shy and book loving sister. So we didn't get much off of her from there, but wow did she come out of her shell in this story. Always watch for the qeuit one. ;) She was perfectly matched for Henry. She just didn't know it yet. Honestly this story was every book lover's dream. Sarah basically played out her love affair like how the pages of those old timey romance novels would read. This had all the classic funny one liners only Emma can create and the romance was upped 10xs as much. The epilogue was my favorite. One thing that bugged me though, after all that unprotected sex, I was hoping for a suprise baby. With that being said, you have no freaking idea how much I love Franny throughout this series. I hope we keep seeing more of her. Onto the next one!!!!

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