Teen Wolf "The Benefactor"
Well holy smokes this episode was a big bag of awesome. So we learned a few things. Stiles is Malia's rock. Kira can't walk in heels. Liam has some serious anger issues, Lydia is still bonkers, Derek and the Sheriff need to do a buddy comedy and Peter is still awesome as ever. So right after Muted, we see Liam trying to get a hold of his wolf side. He's in denial and just screaming and crying everywhere. Sidenote: Don't EVER let Scott and Stiles break bad news to you. A few things came to light in this episode. Turns out half the kids at this school are Supernatural assassins. That is, The Benefactor are hiring them to kill off all them to gain some sweet cash. (Maybe this is what happened when Dean becomes king of Hell :D) Every Supernatural being is on it, including Scott and Friends. And who can forget the return of Mr. Argent, looking mighty fine and powerful :D When the man with no mouth came in and stabbed Peter at the beginning, when Peter got a hold of him, I bet he had a smile and a mouth a mile wide on his face after what Peter did to him. "I'm a creature of habit" Oh we know Peter. I really like where this season is going. Although I thought we would be focusing more on Kate, it looks like the gang might have to bring together all the creatures including Kate (hopefully) to help fight the Benefactor. And what are the odds that the answer to breaking the code was "Allison", is that some kind of secret thing to tell us she might make an appearance soon? Who is The Benefactor? STAY TUNED!!!
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