Teen Wolf "Orphaned"
The Sun, The Moon & The Truth. Another great action packed episode from last night's episode. First we start off with a pissed off Kate killing guys left and right trying to find out who The Benefactor is. Note to self, don't piss off Aunt Kate or meet her around her time of the month. I swear the teachers at this school need to quit especially Coach. I imagine he has a butt load of grey hairs sprouting out somewhere. Stiles and Derek were holding down Brett with the vet but couldn't get him steady to Peter came in with his fine Beta self and just knocked him out silly. Brett was saved....yay......Derek needed Mylia's help to find Brett's Pack in the woods. Seems like he is still losing his powers. But bright side he's like the Wolf man Sensei. Garret with his annoying self kidnapped poor Liam and lured Scott into saving him. Scott also found some of Peter's money but is hesitant about giving it back due to the hard times his parents are having. KEEP THE MONEY SCOTT!!! Meanwhile Timmy...er....Liam is trapped in a well. And looksie, the douche back in Season 3 from the Mental hospital is back! LOL And Parrish blackmailed him too...LOL seems like ALOT of that is going on in this episode. So Garret begins to blackmail Scott. Stop the car that is transferring Violet and he will get Liam...easy right? WRONG......the Beserkers beat Scott at the job. I freaking love those guys. They are as good as the Oni. Garret does some bent up kung fu moves, then BAM! right in the kisser. Berserker takes that damn loud mouth down. Meanwhile Lydia and Stiles are harassing Meredith again to get the next key for the code. Turns out The Benefactor doesn't want her helping. On our next side quest, Derek and Mylia aren't having any luck finding the lost pack, until Mylia suggested to think like Stiles, be Stiles Sensei. Back at the well (geez this show has alot of damn plots) Liam is finally having a realization and climb that wall for his dear life like the little wolf that could. Back in the woods they finally found the pack but sadly they have all been slaughtered. Back at the warehouse, Scott and Chris stumbled upon Kate and the Beserkers and a fight ensues. Bullets, fangs and claws were flying. And then we see Violet in the back room in the warehouse dead. Derek and Mylia found the girl that they hired to find Kate amoung the dead pack. Liam is still climbing for dear life but the wolf bane is weakening him, but in his final attempt he released a roar that his alpha heard. Lydia finally gets the last key and it's....Derek? (omg is he dying?) and we finally see Mylia on the list along with Meredith. Scott is a fantastic Alpha. But alas the guys were too late. Meredith is gone. *tear* Lydia looks to be the only Banshee again. Liam is saved, Scott is taking it upon himself to save all the Supernaturals and Peter is up to his tricks again. Just another freaky day in Beacons Hill. Until next week.
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