Witches Of East End " Smells Like King Spirit"

Eeek, so what an episode am I right? The tagline for the promo said "Someone will die" But what the hell WOEE producers? SomeONE not someFIVE!!! Yes five people died last night. Three of them we expected, but golly the last two were like a viewers slap in the face twist, although they kept hinting from season one it was bound to happen. But oh my gosh!!!! So let's get down to the gritty. So we know after the aftermath of all that lovemaking only one couple actually ended happy. We left Killian walking out on Freya and Ingrid finally realizing that Dash is an evil magician and walked out on him leaving him all psycho stalkerish. He's been drunk dialing and leaving text messages, but Ingrid won't answer him. He finds the old journals of his Grandpa and see Ingrid and learned that his so called wanna be girlfriend has been knocking boots with Grandpa. Wouldn't it have been awesome if we had learned that Ingrid was really his grandmother? But alas foiled by Dash's mother being 10 at the time. So she tells him about the curse she and Freya has of reincarnation. Freya finally found out about Eva's witchy evil ways by breaking into the house and finding the Jedi mind meld potion, but Grandma who we learned was Eva's daughter poof out of nowhere and scared the crap out of her with her old people rambling and magic. She ran and told Killian about it, but he's so hell bent on his "love" for Eva he doesn't believe her so they went over to confront her.
  When we get there Eva is like 100 years of leather flesh and we see her true form. We learned about her sad back-story where she has to keep having babies to stay young and keep her daughter young and a Warlock would save her, yada yada and she thought Killian was that Warlock, but his sperm is a dud to her eggs and poor Grandma/Daughter died and she grew old and later dies before she tells him that she truly did love him. *takes a breath* Whew that was a mouthful. (I think we found how Bianca Lawson keeps long since her Buffy days) So finally the spell is broken and Killian doesn't know what to do with himself, so he goes over to Dash which was a bad idea to begin with because he decided it was time to come clean with Killian. This epic Warlock fight happened with 3-D effects and Matrix moves until these guys destroyed the attic and knocked themselves silly. Also Dash is up shit creek now that the jar is broken and the dead body is floating in the river again.

  Now Spike has been causing a lot of mayhem on the show with Fredrick. He makes him use his girlfriend as a sacrifice but Freddy came to his senses and let her go which caused Spike to kidnap poor Tommy and used him as a vessel. Poor Wendy my favorite kitty can't catch a break. So and the Wonder Twins activated their astral projection power to find Tommy, Spike let slip that the King was in Fredrick and Freya got pissed off and told the family. So everyone is like "Oh we trusted you" "How could you" "Die Freddy die" and Joanna did this awesome scorpion slow motion throw and paralyzed Freddy for a bit. (I need me one of those for my enemies) They left to go get Tommy with this GREAT kick ass slow motion walk Joanna and Wendy did while entering the building. But it's too late. Tommy is a ultimate vessel and is gone. I swear when Wendy cries the world cries. The actress that plays her always shows great emotion.
   So anyways Spike lures Freya to the library using Ingrid's voice where he captures them both. Back at the house Spike comes over and Fredrick ambushed him and killed him. Before Spike could choke on the scorpion that was pushed down his throat, he says he left him a surprise in the yard. Joanna and Wendy walks in and into the yard and we come to a STARTLING shock. Freya and Ingrid are hanging from the tree. Yep Spike killed them. Now although it was always hinted that they always died young, I swear they were going to find a way to stop it before they actually killed them. Did I feel bad? Somewhat, because I know that they are more than likely going to be reborn or someone will save them. Needless to say Killian is going to SHIT BRICKS when he see Freya. My thoughts, I'm guessing before the season is out we are going to either lose Joanna, Wendy or Fredrick, because more than likely one of them is going to sacrifice themselves to bring back the girls. Also what does this mean for Tommy. Is he going to survive? Or is he going to be the new evil bad until they can drain the King from out of him? Where do we go from here now that the girls are gone? Well stay tuned guys. Only three episodes left in the season. Until next time.


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