Teen Wolf "Monstrous"

I'm sure by now if you have watched The VMAs, you would have watched the special airing of Teen Wolf. If not, RUN AWAY, RUN FAR AWAY because I'm about to unload a truck load of spoilers. So it begins with our guys talking to Meredith because they want to understand how meek little Meredith could be so brilliant. *Queue the sexiness that is Parrish* (Good grief when will we find out what he is?) But Meredith doesn't want to talk to them, she wants to talk to.....PETER! Okay so we are all wondering...Peter? What does he have to do with anything? Turns out.....EVERYTHING. The man is a mustache wearing, cool as a cucumber, tall of sexiness, maniacal psychopath!! Let's cut to the Chase here and give you guys what you came for, Peter is THE BENEFACTOR!!!! It wasn't Meredith, she was just doing his bidding. Now before you go all I KNEW IT on me, here's how it went down. When Peter was in the hospital in a coma after the fire, Meredith was in the bed next to him. While there, she could hear every thought that was going through Peter's head as if he was standing next to her talking to her. While Peter was going crazy in the coma, he was planning to get back on revenge on everyone, including the supernaturals. So he made the list in his head, used his own money, hired assassins and viola! The Benefactor was born. Meredith heard all this and took it upon herself to make this happen. But get this, Peter swears up and down he doesn't remember, and that he's a reformed bad guy (-_-) So Papa Stilinski is all ready to bust a cap into Peter's ass, but Lydia stops him and they let Peter go free. Okay let's back track for a minute here because the very last scene is a doozy of a spoiler. So back at top, Stiles and Malia worked their shit out and are back together, (kiss scene) Kira was a freaking Ninja kicking assassin ass then runs to Scott and gave him the hottest kissing scene ever on Teen Wolf. (Sorry Alison, I'm digging Kira now) He goes to Liam and tries to recruit him for battle, but Liam starts being a puss and we get a little nostalgic when Scott said "Not all of us!"  (For those who watched it, you know what I mean :'( )
   Meanwhile our greatest detective team has made a new change and it was Stiles and Malia who went investigating Lydia's cabin again for more clues. Malia hears a sound and a big computer is revealed behind the wall. (What is Jeff Davis' obsession with things trapped behind walls?) Anyways it turns out to be "The Benefactor"( i.e) the computer thing that was transferring the money when a job has been finished and who Chris was talking to on the laptop. F.Y.I there is a beginning scene with Chris that is TOO awesome for words! (Please let him survive this show) So they called up Lydia to get answers and she leads them to a key that was in the wine bottle to stop the computer.
  On the other side of town, Scott is going on alpha on the assassins ass to the point his face started to change and we swear he was going to kill the man, but when Stiles turned the key, he terminated all of the dead-pool and Scott saw the text in time to calm his tits. All is well and everything is okay, la-di-da.
   So guys back to the original plan. So when Peter was set free he went back to his hide out with Kate, now we all know he's working with Kate but we thought for different reasons. The big reveal was all this Benefactor crap was all part of Peter's plan!!! The reformed criminal is a DOUCHEBAG!!! And his biggest target? He is doing all this to snuff out Scott. -__- Peter you were the one who bit him in the first place you know, don't hate that he's "out alpha-ing" you (new word? LOL) So there you have it. The most explosive and action- packed episode of Teen Wolf we had since void Stiles. This show keeps giving me the palputations. Oye! Until next time wolfies!!!!


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