The Fosters "Someone's Little Sister" Summer Finale

Wow so I honestly knew that the writers couldn't leave well alone. They just had to drag out the crap that is Brallie. Well I am not amused. I know the actor who plays Wyatt has gone over to Finding Carter, but I was all for Wyatt and Callie. I mean come on, THAT HAIR!!! So with that off my chest, alot of oh shit moments happened in last night's summer finale. First up, what the deuce did Connor and Jude did in the tent at camp? Did they make out? Experimented with oral? WHAT??!!  Did Connor finally admitted he loved Judicorn? This caused Lena to quit a job she loved trying to stand up for Jude when in a bad way the father was right. All for nothing. Next, who would expect Mariana to do that to Anna? Whoa girl, I was expecting you to run back to her in open arms, but she stood her ground and told that woman off, then Jesus came in like the protector and got all mushy with Anna although HE was the one said he was done. I see where he get's this thing with Hayley from. When is he going to realize that she's a manipulative bitch?
   Now Brandon and Lou. I love those two together, I really wanted them to make it. It seems like they were with that sexy kiss they shared. Now for the biggest oh shit moment. Sophia tore up the freaking papers, now Callie can't be adopted. I swear Bailee Madison plays annoying characters that I cannot stand. (Baby Snow White & the sister from Trophy Wife) Arghh who gave her the right to do that? You can't have Callie all to your self boo. Now it seems like she's about to go in the bathroom and commit suicide. -__- Really? And now Robert doesn't want to sign the papers again. GAWD!!! It's as if Callie can't be happy with her family, and all this bullshit paved the way for her and Brandon getting back together, where we saw in the final scene, NOOOOO!!! Brandon, you just kissed Lou? What about Lou? Argghh, I can't believe they are going to give us Brallie in Season 3. I know they are some crazy fans out there that's all for Brallie but the girl needs a family and best friend first before a damn boyfriend, and Callie and Brandon are better off as siblings. Please don't do this, it's going to ruin this show for me and I might have to give it up. I'm only sticking to it for Judicorn and Connor now. Love those little dudes. Until next summer!!!


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