Teen Wolf "Perishable"
Holy crap HOLY CRAP!!!! You guys!!!! The biggest reveal of ALLL reveals!!!!! The benefactor and guess who it is??!!!! The timid and weird......Meredith. Yes our insane resident banshee who isn't Lydia is behind all this madness. Bet no one saw that coming huh? Way to GO Jeff Davis you crafty bastard. So now the excitement is out of our systems, what a say to start the episode. Every Teen Wolf girl fan was about to flip shit when we saw our adorable deputy getting burned alive. But then Parish raised from the dead like an Ashy God and beat the crap out of the damn cop that tried to kill him. Yay!!! While the others are trying to figure out what he is (I'm going with Phoenix) Lydia gives us a little back story on her Grandma and Meredith. Grandma Banshee created the code for the dead pool. Meanwhile Liam is being all paranoid and buggy and hey Couch is still loud and fun!!!! Scott is like a backwards Scrooge counting all his thousands before he spends it and Stiles and Lydia are trying to find the key to unlock the code that Grandma left her. Then with Lydia and her out of this world deduction skills and also after reading the movie The Little Mermaid (LOL) the keyword was Ariel. Also the printers were freaking out and spewing out changes in the list. Derek's off and Liam's price just went up a notch! Queue to the bonfire party, Liam and Malia are getting drunk, but they can't get drunk. Guess what? The DJ was killing the supernaturals with music. Neat huh?? Also that shady orderly at the nut house is psycho and an Angel of Death and he was the one who "killed" Meredith. He captured Lydia and Stiles and played the tape of him killing her Grandma where she predicted that he might hurt Lydia. Back at the bonfire, it was a trap for them to capture Scott and the gang. When things started to look grimm, duh duh duh duhhhhh Liam's best friend pulls the plug on that plan (literally) and Derek saves the day!
Lydia and Stiles are still in the basement with the insane orderly. When he's about to inject Lydia, Parish comes in and shoots him. Now they are all thinking "oh yea the Benefactor was him" but then before he dies he revealed it was a SHE!!!! And that SHE????!!! The one, the only, MEREDITH. She does that whole slow revealing thing that bad guys do with her one liner which was pretty cool. I swear this show keeps us on our toes and gets better every episode. Until next time!!!
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