Teen Wolf "Weaponized"

So our episode starts out with some creepy Dr. Hyde like man listening to the tape our boys have. Then we see a creepy hand rise from the abyss of a bed. More on that later. We zoom out to our boys contemplating what to do with the money Scott found. Hello Scott, half a mil, give it to your mama dude. Screw Peter and his cash. Think of it as a werewolf turning fee. Also the crazy she-wolf  Satomi from back in season 3 that was in Kira's Mom story is back. Time for the comic relief. Our favorite group of friends think they can be normal by taking the SATs...heh like that's going to happen. Not when the teacher over seeing the test is...you guessed it that same creepy Dr from the beginning. Now something else is afoot. There is some weird disease spreading around the school. I swear you can't catch a break in Beacon Hills. So there you go, what turned from being a FUN day taking SATs turns into a freaking quarantine. Could this get any worse you ask? YES! It's worst in werewolves. RUN Scott RUN!!! But alas it's too late. Our neighborhood wolf has been infected. *queue tears until the end of episode*
  Meanwhile Lydia is wallowing in doubt and disgust and regret over what happened to Meredith. That is until she found a picture with her. So the disease has the Supernatural bunch in the group freaking the hell out, so they have to quarantine themselves from...the quarantine....hahah thanks Stiles. So they tricked Mylia into opening the vault instead of actually telling her Peter is her damn Dad and these guys barricade themselves in there talking about finances. -__- You might be dying so hey let's talk about all the non existent money we will be leaving behind. So it all comes back to the Doc at the beginning. Remember he was drinking tea? Well he's an assassin and that tea he was drinking was actually a remedy that protects you from getting sick. Thank you Satomi. So now the journey begins to find there rare tea leaves to save the friends and school. *queue quest music* What's funny as hell though, the guys were in that vault with the tea and Kira was looking at touching it earlier. Did you guys saw that? *grins*  And thank god that Stiles is the smart one. He figured it all out!!! Give him a cookie people. So the humans were cured of it but the supernaturals are getting sicker and dying. Mr. Mcall saved Stiles from his sticky situation and Satomi kicked some assassin ASS with her old ass Matrix moves. Damn those martial arts moves!!! Stiles runs to the vault to tell the guys about the cure, but he fears it's too late. But Scott used his powers and saved the day. Note to Stiles, when keeping a secret, CLEAN OUT YOUR POCKETS. Is this the end of our cute couple? Will they be able to make up? Will the guys get to go to college? This episode was magnificent. It kept us at the edge of our seats and wondering what the hell was going to happen next.   Stay tuned for another exciting and great episode of Teen Wolf.


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